Just over six decades ago, Latin American cinema lost one of its brightest stars when actress Pina Pellicer tragically took her own life. At just 30 years old, Pellicer had already made a significant impact on the industry, starring alongside Marlon Brando in his directorial debut, the epic Western “One-Eyed Jacks.” She also featured in the influential Mexican film “Macario,” which became the first-ever Mexican film to be nominated for an international picture Oscar.

A Challenging Journey to the Silver Screen

The production of “One-Eyed Jacks” faced numerous hurdles, including the departure of its original director, Stanley Kubrick, and writer, Sam Peckinpah. Despite the challenges, Pellicer found herself thrust into the spotlight as part of a high-profile Hollywood studio production. Working with an untested actor-turned-director was no easy feat, and the film underwent a lengthy process before finally hitting theaters in 1961.

Pina Pellicer and Marlon Brando on the set of 'One-Eyed Jacks'
Marlon Brando hamming it up at the beach with Pina Pellicer on the set of ‘One-Eyed Jacks.’ – Everett Collection

The Impact of Marlon Brando and Unanswered Questions

Did Pellicer’s involvement with Brando contribute to her tragic end? Was his erratic behavior on set a factor in her ability to perform? These questions remain unanswered, shrouded in myth and speculation. What remains, however, is the enduring film itself. Many consider “One-Eyed Jacks” to be one of the greatest Westerns ever made, with Pellicer delivering a stunning performance in this genre-defying masterpiece.

Critical Acclaim and a Gentle Legacy

In 1961, Variety praised Pellicer’s sensitive and sympathetic portrayal, while Penelope Houston of Sight and Sound lauded her spirited performance. Her work in “Macario” garnered even greater acclaim, with the New York Times noting her ability to evoke both poignance and sympathy in the timeless folk tale. Martin Scorsese himself recognized the uniqueness of “One-Eyed Jacks,” praising the intensity and power of the actors and their direction.

Pina Pellicer’s untimely death robbed the world of a rising talent, leaving us to wonder what further contributions she could have made to world cinema. Nevertheless, her performances in these two remarkable films form a small but essential part of her legacy—an enduring testament to her undeniable talent.

Source link: Variety

By f5mag

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